Same old love

“Same Old Love” got stuck at #6 on the Billboard Hot 100 (her third single to do so) but Selena chose the right guy drive it up. Today, the singer released an official remix of… Read More 

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I am so sick, I'm hoping you notice, yeah babySo sick of the same old loveLike a dose of the same old drug, yeah babyReally starting khổng lồ get under my skinWhen you see signs, get with it, yeah babyTell me why love's a lieI don't believe, I don't believe itYou left in peace, left me in piecesToo hard lớn breathe, I'm on my kneesRight now, nowI'm so sick of that same old love, that shit, it tears me upI’m so sick of that same old love, my body's had enoughOh-oh-oh (that same old love)Oh-oh-oh (that same old love)I’m so sick of that same old love, feels lượt thích I've blown apartI’m so sick of that same old love, the kind that breaks your heartOh-oh-oh (that same old love)Oh-oh-oh (that same old love)I'm not spending any time, wasting tonight on youI know, I've heard it allSo don't you try & change your mindCause I won't be changing too, you know
You can't believe, still can't believe itYou left in peace, left me in piecesToo hard to breathe, I'm on my kneesRight now, nowI'm so sick of that same old love, that shit, it tears me upI’m so sick of that same old love, my body's had enoughOh-oh-oh (that same old love)Oh-oh-oh (that same old love)I’m so sick of that same old love, feels lượt thích I've blown apartI’m so sick of that same old love, the kind that breaks your heartOh-oh-oh (that same old love)Oh-oh-oh (that same old love)Swear it drives me crazySo sick of the same old love babyAnd I don't mean lớn make you cry, babyI thought can be by your side babyThought you were my ride or die, babySo sick of the same old love babyAnd I don't mean to make you cry, babyThought you were my ride or die, baby
I'm so sick of that same old love, that shit, it tears me upI’m so sick of that same old love, my body's had enoughOh-oh-oh (that same old love)Oh-oh-oh (that same old love)I’m so sick of that same old love, feels like I've blown apartI’m so sick of that same old love, the kind that breaks your heartOh-oh-oh (that same old love)Oh-oh-oh (that same old love)

Xem thêm: Cách Tạo Dáng Chụp Ảnh Khi Đi Du Lịch, 1001 Tư Thế Chụp Ảnh Chất Ngất Khi Đi Du Lịch

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“Same Old Love” got stuck at #6 on the Billboard Hot 100 (her third single to bởi vì so) but Selena chose the right guy drive it up. Today, the singer released an official remix of her single in collaboration with none other than Fetty Wap.

This is the second time that Selena invite a rapper to assist on a track from Revival. The first was with A$AP Rocky on “Good For You”.